Welcome to the new edition of the GC Insights newsletter.
At Global Collaboration Insights, we’ve been partnering with clients in new ways to share our research-based expertise and just-in-time solutions for emotional and cultural intelligence and effective communication, especially in global virtual collaborative environments.
Even more timely in 2021, we look to the future of work and what it means for leadership development, high-performing teams and engaged employees in our organizations. One of the pressing issues we’re hearing is how to amplify attention and support around employee well-being and stress management.
It goes without saying that stress has been a long-standing factor in our professional and personal lives, even before the pandemic. It may present itself at different times, in different ways and to different degrees, but it’s a challenge we can all relate to.
A recent Harvard Business Review global study (Moss, 2021) found that respondents experienced a dramatic decrease in the quality of their work life (89%) and well-being (85%); felt incapable of balancing work and home life (55%); experienced burnout often with increased workloads (62%); and felt unable to maintain a strong connection with family (25%), colleagues (39%) and friends (50%).
While some tried and true stress management tips may work for you and your employees, consider a different perspective: emotional intelligence. Developing your emotional intelligence awareness can help fortify your resilience and well-being and have a significant impact on your stress management capability.
To learn more, join me next Thursday, March 25, 2021, from noon to 1 p.m. CT when I will be kicking off the University of Minnesota’s free webinar series on Avoiding Burnout at Work with Cultivate Emotional Intelligence to Manage Stress.
In the meantime, please reach out so we can exchange insights on the issues that are top of mind for you.
Karin Goettsch, Ph.D.
Founder and Principal